The International Students Association (ISA), a student initiative at Clark University, will showcase a rich variety of entertainment from the many cultures represented within Clark’s community during the annual International Gala, on Friday, April 1, at 7 p.m. in the Kneller Athletic Center, Downing Street.
For International Gala’s 14th run, the theme “Gala Effect” shifts into making the event more than a platform for entertainment. The Gala Effect evokes the “butterfly effect” which “indicates the concept that small joined causes have large effects.” Building on this theme, this year’s Gala will not just end on the stage but will resonate into ISA “giving back to the community.”
Free for all, the event boasts over 300 student participants with 31 countries and regions to be represented. Gala has not only become Clark’s largest student-run event, but is also one of the most anticipated and popular nights in Clark’s academic year. Here’s the Gala commercial:
The ISA promotes better relations among students of different cultures through a variety of intellectual, informative and entertaining events encouraging cross-cultural communication on the Clark campus and in the Worcester communities. For more information please contact ISA at