Clark student-athletes offer tips on finding sports-school balance
Get your rest, stay organized, and place a take-out order
November 18, 2019
Erin Shull ’19, MBA ’20
Quincy Milton III ’20 divides his time between research and lacrosse.
Participating in college athletics can be a rewarding experience, but it comes with its own stresses, including upwards of 10 hours of practice each week and a seasonal schedule of games. And that’s while carrying a full course load, engaging in research, or working in an internship.
Maggie Paul ’20 (lacrosse), Bobby Sharma ’20 (cross country), and Quincy Milton III ’20 (lacrosse) share these tips on how student-athletes can manage the competing demands for their time while maintaining a healthy academic/athletic life balance.
Keep a planner. It’s helpful to write down everything — practice times, work times, meetings, homework assignments — even if your schedule is essentially the same every week.
Find time to relax. Everyone needs to decompress. Watching some Netflix with friends is a good thing.
Know what you have coming up and organize your week around your most important responsibilities. This will minimize your stress level.
Eat healthily, but treat yourself to take-out once in a while. There are lots of options around Clark, from pizza to Pad Thai.
Set a reasonable bedtime every night to maximize your hours of sleep and boost your productivity. Turning off your screens will help quiet your brain.
Complete coursework between weekday classes to relieve the pressure of cramming on the weekends.
Build strong relationships with your coaches and professors. They are eager and able to help you succeed.
Set goals. These can be athletic and academic. Goal-setting keeps you competitive with yourself so you are always aiming to achieve.
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