In about a week, the Clark community will gather for “United We Gala,” the 15th edition of the International Gala, hosted by the International Students Association. This annual tradition is one of the biggest cultural celebrations on campus and students eagerly anticipate it each year.
Gala, which takes place at 7 p.m. Friday, March 31, in the Kneller Athletic Center, is filled with high-energy dance performances, inspiring speakers, and a general atmosphere of fun. Attending at least once during your four undergraduate years is practically a Clarkie requirement.
As a first-year student last year, I simply didn’t know how big an event it is — or even what it is. I showed up without money for snacks, facing a huge line to enter, and no concept of what I was about to see.
To prevent that from happening to others who may not have attended a Gala event yet, here’s a list of the eight things I wish I had known last year:
And check out this promotional video from the International Students Association for a sneak peek of this year’s event: