Graduate School of Management (GSOM) students who have taken Professor Lin Boldt’s Marketing Research class agree: there’s no better course for hands-on, practical experience in marketing. The course teaches students current, real-world marketing research skills and is highlighted by a semester-long project for a well-known, multi-national sports company.
Playing the role of consultant to the multi-national sports company “client,” the class is introduced to three different stages of market research. In the first stage, students visit sports retail stores to identify questions and issues, and determine factors that help distinguish brands. In the second stage, students conduct a qualitative survey with approximately 10 potential customers to get their perceptions about brands and marketing techniques — all while focusing on their client’s brand.
The final stage — a quantitative survey involving 300 target customers — includes understanding how to design and launch the survey as well as analyze the results. Both the qualitative and quantitative marketing research reveals data and insight into the client’s branding, market segmentation, target audience and future positioning. Students present their findings to their classmates, and their client.
“I hope that my students walk away from the class with analytical, communication, project management, and problem-solving skills that allow them to be thoughtful managers and business leaders in the future,” Professor Boldt said.
-Hayley Gao, MSF ’16