Worcester has won $475,000 from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston in the second round of the Working Cities Challenge, according to the Worcester Telegram & Gazette. Clark University is a partner in the initiative “focused on building collaborative leadership, which is shown to be a critical element in economic growth for struggling postindustrial cities,” the T&G reports.
Here, an excerpt:
“Working Cities Worcester will convene and inspire workers, employers, government, universities, nonprofits and communities to create equitable short- and long-term employment opportunities with livable wages in the local food service economy. The initiative will provide workforce training and career paths for disadvantaged workers, in cooperation with local employers; increase career opportunities and operational support for ethnic food vendors and retailers in disadvantaged neighborhoods; and create a learning community to ensure workforce development as a strategic priority in the local food service economy and economic policy agenda for the city.
“The WCW core team includes Worcester Community Action Council Inc., Clark University, Regional Environmental Council, Sodexo, Chartwells, City of Worcester, Central Massachusetts Workforce Investment Board and the Latino Education Institute of Worcester State University.”
The Worcester Business Journal also reported the story.