The thirtieth edition of the U.S. News & World Report’s Best Colleges guide recognizes Clark University’soutstanding academics and financial value. The 2015 ranking places Clark at No. 76 among National Universities and No. 25 on the list of Best Value Schools. Clark continues to make gains in several key areas, including retention and graduation rates as well as overall academic quality of its student body.“This ranking comes at a time of growing recognition for Clark University’s leadership and success in advancing liberal education for our students and for the communities of which we are a part,” said President David Angel. “Through LEEP (Liberal Education and Effective Practice), Clark is preparing our students to meet the challenges of the 21st century, to address society’s most pressing concerns and build meaningful, successful lives.”
More information on Clark University in the rankings is available here.
Clark University Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Don Honeman, adds: “While we recognize that rankings are not a perfect measure of the college experience, we think it is noteworthy that the value of a Clark education is confirmed in many of the metrics tracked by U.S. News. Increasing numbers of students are realizing that Clark offers the opportunity to frame a college experience in a manner that connects a set of traditional liberal arts classroom experiences with compelling world and workplace experiences.” The 2015 U.S. News Best Colleges guide offers data on nearly 1,400 schools, grouping schools based on categories created by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The Best Colleges guidebook will be on sale in stores on Sept. 23 and also is available online.