Sadie Hazelkorn ’15 started working with the Worcester Education Collaborative (WEC) last September to fulfill an internship requirement for her capstone in Urban Politics and she’s been working with them ever since. Hazelkorn spent the past few months in Worcester creating literacy programs for local students.

Hazelkorn recently held workshops where area schoolchildren created cookbooks with family recipes. She is currently working with 15-20 teenagers to produce a Back to School fashion show featuring thrift store attire.
The show will take place Tuesday, August 26, at 4:30 p.m. at the Goddard branch of the Worcester Public Library.
The teens are responsible for decorating the runway and putting together outfits on a budget from clothes Hazelkorn acquired from thrift stores. The teens will also publish a Back to School fashion guide, and write about their outfits, describing why they are “the perfect Back to School looks.” Hazelkorn says both of the programs she’s worked on this summer focus on literacy in an attempt to combat the “summer slide.”

“The library has been a wonderful addition in the community, utilized by everyone,” said Hazelkorn. “This has been such an incredible opportunity.”