Five Clark undergraduates — Xiying Huang ’16, Ruoyang Lin ’16, Andrew Masley ’14, David Scheff ’15 and Zhuoming (Colin) Tan ’16 — took part in The 8th Annual Cambridge Science Festival at the Cambridge Public Library on Saturday, April 19.
The Clark students presented several hands-on demonstrations that made learning the laws of physics accessible and fun. The group performed activities which included Cartesian divers, magnetic liquids, magnetism, and parabolic “true image” reflectors. Each activity explored a physics phenomenon drawn from everyday materials
Arshad Kudrolli, professor and chair of the Physics Department, and Jan and Larry Landry University Professor, organized Clark’s participation.
“It was wonderful to see the ‘Aha!’ moment in both young and old as they explored a physics concept in the demonstrations that the Clark team had put together,” said Professor Kudrolli.
Clark physics students participated in a similar event last year.

The Cambridge Science Festival is 10 days and nights of engaging science, technology, engineering, art, and math events during the April public school vacation week. Comprising 150 different activities, the festival is a multifaceted, multicultural event that makes science accessible, interactive, and fun, while highlighting the impact of science on our lives. The festival’s founding collaborators are MIT, Harvard University, City of Cambridge, and Museum of Science, Boston.
Founded in 1887 in Worcester, Massachusetts, Clark University is a liberal arts-based research university addressing social and human imperatives on a global scale. Nationally renowned as a college that changes lives, Clark is emerging as a transformative force in higher education today. LEEP (Liberal Education and Effective Practice) is Clark’s pioneering model of education that combines a robust liberal arts curriculum with life-changing world and workplace experiences. Clark’s faculty and students work across boundaries to develop solutions to complex challenges in the natural sciences, psychology, geography, management, urban education, Holocaust and genocide studies, environmental studies, and international development and social change. The Clark educational experience embodies the University’s motto: Challenge convention. Change our world. www.clarku.edu