A quarter century ago, Clark University hosted a landmark international conference, “The Earth as Transformed by Human Action,” which highlighted international research tracing the effect of human activity on the global environment for the previous 300 years. Humanity continues to face fundamental questions explored at the conference about the fate of the biosphere and the capacity of both nature and society to sustain life.
In recognition of the 25th anniversary of “Earth Transformed,” the following free, public events are being held on campus on Tuesday, April 2: Two panel discussions featuring Clark faculty will showcase and explore future directions for a sample of the global-change research underway at Clark. Panel discussion #1 “Global Change and Adaptation” Lurie Conference Room, Higgins University Center 12:45-2 p.m.
- Karen Frey, Assistant Professor, School of Geography
- Ron Eastman, Professor, School of Geography; Director, Clark Labs
- Colin Polsky, Associate Professor, School of Geography
- Moderator: Tony Bebbington, Higgins Professor of Environment and Society; Director, School of Geography
Panel discussion #2 “Social Transitions and Global Change” Lurie Conference Room, Higgins University Center 2:15-3:30 pm
- Jennie Stephens, Associate Professor, Department of International Development, Community, and Environment
- Timothy Downs, Associate Professor, Department of International Development, Community, and Environment
- James Murphy, Associate Director and Associate Professor, School of Geography
- Moderator: Robert Johnston, Director, George Perkins Marsh Institute; Professor, Department of Economics.
Albert, Norma and Howard ’77 Geller Endowed Lecture “From Earth Transformed to Sustainability Science”
Lecture by William C. Clark, Harvey Brooks Professor of International Science, Public Policy and Human Development, Harvard University Tilton Hall, 2nd floor, Higgins University Center4 p.m.
- Commentary will be given by Robert W. Kates (emeritus, Brown University)and B.L. Turner II(Gilbert F. White Professor of Environment and Society, Arizona State University), both formerly of Clark’s Graduate School of Geography.
- Moderator is Deborah Martin, Associate Professor, School of Geography.
These events are jointly sponsored by the Graduate School of Geography, the George Perkins Marsh Institute, and the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise.For more details see https://www.clarku.edu/departments/marsh/news/index.cfm.