Clark University student Eric J. Fuchs-Stengel is among 50 semifinalists in the Students in Service Awards sponsored by Washington Campus Compact and Inspireum. The awards recognize outstanding college students whose volunteer service positively impacts society and inspires others to serve.
Fuchs-Stengel, of Mahwah, N.J., is the founder and executive director of a youth environmental organization known as the Mahwah Environmental Volunteers Organization (MEVO). The organization’s members volunteer in townships throughout New Jersey. Fuchs-Stengel and his team of more than 500 volunteers have been involved in environmental initiatives such as handing out 2,309 compact fluorescent light bulbs to homes in the community; hosting electronic recycling drives; planting trees in communities and parks; restoration and construction work on the Appalachian Trail; and cleaning up trash in badly littered areas.
Semifinalists were selected by online voting. Students, educators, family and other community members are invited to show support by voting online until March 3 to determine the winner of the title “Fan Favorite.”
* Inspired by this Clark student’s efforts? Learn more about his project and cast your vote online. *
A national selection committee of civic leaders will select the winner and runner-up. Scholarships and grants totaling $25,000 will be awarded to three category benefactors. The winner will receive a $5,000 academic scholarship, and a runner-up and fan favorite will each receive a $2,500 scholarship. In addition, the service-learning centers at each winner’s university will receive a $2,500 grant to support civic engagement programs, and $2,500 grants will be awarded to the nonprofit organizations sponsoring the winning service projects for the purpose of supporting their vital community programs.
Fuchs-Stengel is a first-year student at Clark and a Making a Difference Scholar. Recipients of these Clark scholarships demonstrate an extraordinary commitment to social change. The scholarship includes a stipend and housing allowance to support an optional summer project that students may undertake in Worcester during the summer following their sophomore or junior year.
A 2010 graduate of Mahwah High School, Fuchs-Stengel is the son of Rebecca Fuchs and Harry Stengel, of Mahwah.
Established in 1992 and hosted at Western Washington University, Washington Campus Compact and its membership of 41 two- and four-year colleges and universities are committed to providing meaningful experiences for students to become active, engaged leaders in their communities, furthering the civic and public purposes of higher education and strengthening communities. Washington Campus Compact is an affiliate state office of Campus Compact, a national organization comprised of more than 1,100 higher education institutions committed to the civic and public purposes of higher education.
Inspireum provides a comprehensive technology and media platform that helps organizations recognize and reward inspirational young people in America. Inspireum uses proprietary platform technology, hosted services and social media to create a comprehensive nomination, voting and donation platform that powers inspirational youth awards, scholarships and fund raising programs.
Since its founding in 1887, Clark University in Worcester, Mass., has a history of challenging convention. As an innovative liberal arts college and research university, Clark’s world-class faculty lead a community of creative thinkers and passionate doers and offer a range of expertise, particularly in the areas of psychology, geography, urban education, Holocaust and genocide studies, environmental studies, and international development and social change. Clark’s students, faculty and alumni embody the Clark motto: Challenge convention. Change our world.
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