Clark University President David Angel presented the 2010 John W. Lund Community Achievement Award to two outstanding members of the Clark community. The recipients are University Police Chief Stephen Goulet and senior student Miranda Muro.
Goulet, of North Grafton, Mass., was recognized for going beyond his duties in public safety by working as a member of the Main South Festival Committee and spending hours outside of his work day planning and running a large portion of the public festival, which has become an annual celebration attended by hundreds at University Park. “Your positive spirit and boundless energy have provided great support for this event and built upon Clark’s partnership with the Main South CDC [Community Development Corporation] and the neighborhood,” Angel said.
Goulet came to Clark in 1983 and was promoted to chief in 1989. “Clark University’s efforts in our neighborhood inspired me to be a part of those efforts,” Goulet said. “When you see the positive strides being made and meet the people who are the recipients of those efforts, you are constantly motivated.”
Muro, of Bolton, Conn., was honored for her work at Main South CDC, the Main South Festival in both 2009 and 2010, the city council elections in 2009, and on issues of homelessness and housing. Muro has created an exceptional personal relationship with members of the community beyond the Clark campus through her work study positions and internships.
Muro was admitted to Clark as a Making a Difference (MAD) Scholar. In 2009, she was awarded the Thomas J. ’56 and Barbara J. Lindblom ’56 Anton Endowed Prize in recognition of her involvement in the community’s activities. She is majoring in sociology.
The annual John W. Lund Community Achievement Award was established by the late Jack Lund, retired business and civic leader of Worcester, a good friend of Clark University, and a familiar face on campus, auditing classes at Clark for nearly 20 years. Mr. Lund created the award with an endowment to the Greater Worcester Community Foundation. The gift recognizes Mr. Lund’s affection for Worcester, and his belief that positive change is created by individual dedication. The endowment provides for a monetary reward to be given annually to a student, faculty, or staff member of Clark University in recognition of contributions made to the Worcester community.
Since its founding in 1887, Clark University in Worcester, Mass., has a history of challenging convention. As an innovative liberal arts college and research university, Clark’s world-class faculty lead a community of creative thinkers and passionate doers and offer a range of expertise, particularly in the areas of psychology, geography, urban education, Holocaust and genocide studies, environmental studies, and international development and social change. Clark’s students, faculty and alumni embody the Clark motto: Challenge convention. Change our world.