Clark’s 2010 Global Scholars were formally welcomed by President Angel and his wife, Jocelyne Bauduy, at a dinner reception on Sept. 2 at Harrington House.
The new students, who hail from nine different countries, mixed with Global Scholars from previous classes. Many were also introduced for the first time to their Clark mentors, University staff and alumni who, as selected volunteers, offer general and personal guidance to the scholars. The mentors provide an informal network of support in addition to the students’ faculty advisers.
“These Global Scholars have already proven themselves as leaders in their communities,” said Amy C. Daly Gardner, director of the Office of Intercultural Affairs. “We are excited to welcome them to Clark and look forward to the contribution that they will make during their four years at Clark.”
The entering Global Scholars include: Dana Alasker (Jordan); Maame Adu-Kofi (Ghana); Jake Kailey (Mexico); Gabriela Jijon (Ecuador); Anna Maia (Brazil); Bhumika Regmi (Bangladesh); Yohan Senarath (Sri Lanka); Aksheya Sridhar (India); and Le Yang (China).
The Global Scholars Program builds on Clark University’s long-standing commitment to providing a challenging education with a global focus. High school students who are not permanent residents or citizens of the United States, as well as U.S. citizens/permanent residents who reside overseas and will complete their entire secondary school education outside the United States are eligible to participate in the scholarship program. Candidates are outstanding students who are also deeply engaged in their school or local communities.
Since its founding in 1887, Clark University in Worcester, Mass., has a history of challenging convention. As an innovative liberal arts college and research university, Clark’s world-class faculty lead a community of creative thinkers and passionate doers and offer a range of expertise, particularly in the areas of psychology, geography, urban education, Holocaust and genocide studies, environmental studies, and international development and social change. Clark’s students, faculty and alumni embody the Clark motto: Challenge convention. Change our world.